Estate and Tag Sales Long Island
Estate and tag sales are extremely popular today. A large number of New York City and Long Island residents have faced a time in their lives when they have to downsize or move homes. After many years of living in a home, your possessions tend to accumulate and it’s difficult to take everything with you. You get to a point where you have more things than you know what to do with. An estate sale or tag sale company will be able to assist you.
How an Estate or Tag Sale Works:
The way an estate sale or tag sale works is simple. In most cases, all your items are examined thoroughly. In most cases, the estate sale expert will put a price tag on each piece. Appropriate advertising will also be provided for the sale. During the sale, multiple employees will be there to help with the selling process. After the items are sold the tag sale specialist pays you. The commission % given to the tag sale specialist is determined by the estimated value of the items. The higher the value, the lower % taken will be.
What Items Are Sold at an Estate or Tag Sale?
The easiest answer is – everything! People come to tag sales in order to buy all types of items. Some people come to buy antiques, fine art, and jewelry. Others may be looking for furniture or lighting to decorate a new home. Many want to buy vintage clothes or furs. Some want to buy old tools at a lower price than the store charges. We have seen people buy used cars. Certain people buy household items like bath towels, unopened food items, and napkins. Old toys are very salable as well. The list goes on and on.
Estate Sale Cleanout Process
At the conclusion of the estate or tag sale, most likely you will have some leftovers. The estate sale company will offer some options to clean out the contents. Some items may be donated while others will need to be disposed of. We will help you determine the best choice for your particular situation.
Should You Consult an Estate Sale Expert?
An estate sale takes a lot of time and organization skills. Also, most laymen may not be able to correctly identify the value of the items and may under or overprice it, which may hamper the sale. An antique dealer like Syl-lee Antiques is able to correctly value your items by coming to your home and evaluating each piece. This will give you a good idea of the values for your sale. Syl-Lee will also offer some options of estate sale experts if needed. The estate sale specialists we work with have decades of fine art, antique appraisal experience in the NYC and Long Island areas. We work hand in hand with numerous tag sale companies in Long Island. After examining the contents of your home, we will advise you of the estate sale company best suited for your specific needs.
About Syl-Lee Antiques
Syl-Lee Antiques is a family-owned and operated business, buying and selling antiques in the New York City and Long Island markets for over 40 years. We understand that estate or tag sales can be a time-consuming and sometimes emotional process. We work with a number of estate sale experts that have experience in dealing with these matters.
We can then suggest a few options on how to proceed. We work with a network of specialists, who can help you correctly value your possessions and organize the entire sale proceedings. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding estate sales.
Also, in many instances, you might want to sell everything in one shot. If this is the case, please visit our NYC and Long Island estate buyer page.