If you are thinking about buying or selling antiques getting a personal recommendation for a dealer is a great way to begin, however, for those that aren’t able to get such a recommendation, here are some important questions that you should always ask the dealer with whom you are considering working.
Can you guarantee the authenticity of the item that I am thinking about buying?
This is certainly a fair question especially in light of the fact that even museums and the most educated curators in the world have been fooled by fake paintings.
While asking your dealer for a written guarantee of authenticity is not 100% foolproof, it will go a long way to ensuring that you are getting what you expect.
Will you negotiate the price?
Good negotiation is one in which both parties win and neither walks away feeling as if they have been “beat up” in the process. Most business owners are open and receptive to the idea of fair price negotiation with the understanding that it must be a win-win for both parties involved. If you expect to be doing a lot of business with this dealer then asking for certain accommodations on price can be understood. If this is purely a one-off situation and the dealer has priced the item fairly and/or is offering to buy your item/s for a fair price, any further negotiation will probably not be successful.
How accessible are you?
While an extremely tight timeline might not be of major importance, knowing that your potential dealer is reachable and will return voice or emails in a timely manner is an important consideration, especially if you maintain a hectic schedule. Ask the potential resource for their typical response time and their process for buying and selling their items. Ask yourself if this meshes well with your expectations and make your decision accordingly. This is especially true if you envision a long-term relationship with this dealer.
Of course, Syl-Lee would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your items and can share the testimonials of many satisfied clients. Please connect with us to discuss your needs